Tag Archives: Family Connekt

Janet and Nathan

Q&A: “What’s the Difference Between Self-Analyzing and Self-Awareness?”

Janet and NathanTom asks, “Is there ever a time I would write in my journal when I’m not analyzing something?” To many, keeping a journal is a great tool and practice for problem-solving, so it might be natural to think that’s the only time to visit the blank page.

Many people have also used journaling as a practice in meditation or mindfulness, to enhance creativity, unlock the subconscious, or provide a whole array of benefits that weren’t prompted by a specific puzzle to solve.

Janet Wiszowaty of the Worldly Connektions radio show joins me in sharing many of the techniques and styles of journal-writing that help open or deepen self-awareness, even when there’s no precipitating problem. From letter-writing, Morning Pages, or stream-of-consciousness, to exploring feelings and needs, there are dozens of examples of how journaling can be more about noticing than analyzing.

B&W Beach Scene

Your turn to answer: How do you use writing to practice mindfulness? How do you describe the difference between self-analyzing and self-awareness? Post your responses at the bottom of this webpage, in the comments section, or come join the Friends of JournalTalk Facebook community to share your unique perspective and tips regarding the question-of-the-week.

You may email your own journaling question to be featured on a future episode of JournalTalk. Or, pick up the telephone and leave a voicemail with your question at 1-805-751-6280. When your question is featured, we will send you a thank-you gift for sharing your voice! (JournalTalk Q&A, Episode #40, March 1, 2016)

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Janet and Nathan

Q&A: “What’s the Best Time of Day for Journal-Writing?”

Janet and NathanDuring a NINETY-DAY journal-writing challenge this winter, where I met a new friend “Wizzy” (Janet Wiszowaty), I was asked “the time of day” question again, so I thought I’d make a short episode about it.

What’s the best time of day to make your journal entries?

Early Morning is ideal for writing about your hopes or desires for the day. It could be the perfect quiet time to listen for inner guidance. The mind is waking and receptive to visualizing an ideal day. This is when I usually make my “ta-da!” list (the 3 highest-priority tasks I promise to get done that day). It’s also the best time for recording dreams. Many consider mornings the most critical time for installing successful habits. (Sorry I goofed on some details about the Miracle Morning! This was recorded before I interviewed Hal Elrod!)

Midday is typically when our faculties of reason are at a peak, and our minds are clearest. This might be a great time to write through a puzzling situation you’d like to resolve, brainstorming some options for an important decision, or making detailed plans for a project. This is sometimes my most productive journaling time.

Afternoons can be perfect for journaling as a meditation or mindfulness; to dialogue with the body, or your inner committee; or to reflect on what’s been accomplished and what can be left for tomorrow.

In the Evening, I like to reflect on the best part(s) of my day, express gratitude, or summarize some of the day’s events. It’s also a great time to vent any lingering frustration so I can get better rest at night. And sometimes before bed, I will write out a wish, a fantasy, or a question that I’d like to learn more about, often in preparation for a visit from my Dream Faerie!

Janet and I agreed — the “best” time to write is whatever time you WILL write! People who work a swing shift, or keep erratic schedules may find the above suggestions completely backward. The important thing is to make (any!) time for yourself, and experiment with different timings, until you find what works for you.

Check out Family Connekt, Wizzy’s website featuring her workshops, speaking engagements, coaching, etc. Doesn’t she seem like a really fun (and really smart!) person to work with?

Your turn to answer: What’s your favorite time to write, and why?  Do you find your best writing time changes with seasons, or depends on family members’ schedules? Have you learned any strategies for keeping a consistent time for yourself? Post your responses at the bottom of this webpage, in the comments section.

You may email your own journaling question to be featured on a future episode of JournalTalk. Or, pick up the telephone and leave a voicemail with your question at 1-805-751-6280. When your question is featured, we will send you a thank-you gift for sharing your voice! (JournalTalk Q&A, Episode #39, February 16, 2016)

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To Listen to this week’s JournalTalk: Click on the “play” button > at the top of this page.

Janet and Nathan

Q&A: “(How) Do You Ask People to Share Their Journal Writing?”

Janet and NathanLeslie, a friend and co-facilitator of journaling workshops in Thousand Oaks, California asks, “When leading a journal workshop, should you read your own private journal as a way to invite others to share their own writing?”

A journal-writing workshop is an ideal place to discuss the context and content of your own journal. On one hand, it’s engaging for the participants when you are vulnerable yourself; it provides a real-life example; and it contributes to creating a safe space for connection through sharing. On the other hand, “oversharing” could trigger unexpected or undesired reactions from the students, derailing the intention of the course.

Janet “Wizzy” Wiszowaty of Family Connekt is my co-host this episode. We share our tips, resources and personal examples about encouraging people to share, without letting people’s personal issues overshadow the content of the course.

Your turn to answer: Are you a learning to become a journaling facilitator? Do you read your own journals to people in your workshops? If you are an experienced facilitator, what are some other ways that you encourage participants to share their writing, without risking the course turning into a “therapy circle”?  Please post your responses at the bottom of this webpage, in the comments section.

You may email your own journaling question to be featured on a future episode of JournalTalk. Or, pick up the telephone and leave a voicemail with your question at 1-805-751-6280. When your question is featured, we will send you a thank-you gift for sharing your voice! (JournalTalk Q&A, Episode #37, January 19, 2016)

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To Get Coaching from Nathan: Click here.
To Listen Now: Click on the “play” button > at the top of this article.

Janet and Nathan

Q&A: “How Can Journaling Help Me Get My Book Finished?”

Janet and NathanPublishing for a public audience and keeping a private journal are two spheres of a Venn diagram that do, in my opinion, have a very interesting intersection. This episode, long-time JournalTalk listener Nestor asks, “How can journaling help me through the process of publishing my book?”

Janet Wiszowaty, a Jack Canfield success trainer, joins me in sharing tips and ideas about using a private writing practice to further the publishing process.

I’ve also interviewed several writers on previous episodes of this program, so I offer this list of related conversations which highlight different ways that journal-keeping have helped people succeed in the writing process:

Nestor also mentioned how transcription might help with the authoring process, and I’ve heard people experience great success with Dragon Dictation.

Your turn to answer: Has journaling helped you to complete a novel or other writing project? Does your diary deserve some credit for anything you’ve published?  Post your responses at the bottom of this webpage, in the comments section.

You may email your own journaling question to be featured on a future episode of JournalTalk. Or, pick up the telephone and leave a voicemail with your question at 1-805-751-6280. When your question is featured, we will send you a thank-you gift for sharing your voice! (JournalTalk Q&A, Episode #36, January 5, 2016)

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To Listen to JournalTalk: Click on the “play” button > at the top of this article.