Progoff’s Intensive Journaling Method

JT_IraProgoffIt’s time to call in the great-grandfather of journaling himself, Dr. Ira Progoff! In this episode, I share a clip from a past interview with Dr. Progoff, who is the founder of The Dialogue House, inventor of the most famous journaling methodology, and as far as I can tell, the first psychologist to ever prescribe the use of journaling!

I discuss the Progoff Intensive Journal Method with Ira’s son, Jon Progoff, who shares with us an insider’s perspective on Ira’s career and contributions to the world. This conversation inspired me to book a flight to the nearest Progoff workshop (theyr’e still being offered all around the country at an affordable price). I attended an amazing four-day workshop in Tucson, AZ, and got a LOT of writing done. In a separate episode, I share my findings and reactions to the Progoff experience.

Book Review: You might also check out Dr. Progoff’s book, At a Journal Workshop(JournalTalk, Episode #26, March 2, 2014)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Voiceover: Kym Maher, Tami Egbert & Thomas Gerrard

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5 thoughts on “Progoff’s Intensive Journaling Method

  1. Heather Severson

    Hi, Nathan!
    This is a TREAT! How great to hear about the Progoff Intensive Journal Method from the great man, himself. Also great to hear from Jon. This is a wonderful resource for those who are interested in participating in the workshop. I HIGHLY recommend them, myself. I get so much out of an annual workshop series.

    1. Nathan Ohren Post author

      Thanks, Heather! I’m very appreciative for Jon and the Dialogue House for allowing me to share a clip from the archives of Dr. Ira Progroff himself. As Kathleen Adams said on a previous episode, “Nobody teaches Progoff like Progoff teaches Progoff!” I’m so excited to be going to Tucson for my first Intensive Journal Method workshop. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm and recommendation for it!

  2. sgralnick

    Hi Nathan, I loved the 26th episode of Journal Talk, “Progoff’s Intensive Journaling Method”. I like structure and thus I think learning about the PIJM will be very helpful to me as I continue journaling. Thank you for being such an excellent mentor. sheryl

    1. Nathan Ohren Post author

      Hi Sheryl, I’m so glad you enjoyed the episode. It sounds like you’ll be trying out the method soon? Let me know how it goes! I appreciate being on this journey with you, and thanks so much for listening and participating with me. Nathan

  3. Pingback: My Experience of the Progoff Intensive Journal Workshop | Write4Life

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