Q&A: “Does it Help to Shout into My Journal?”

JTQA Susan and NathanAnonymous callers are so much fun, and ask such close, personal questions. This one asks, “Can a journal help someone with anger management issues?” I’ve got some thoughts of my own on this, but I’ve invited back back Susan Borkin, to include a therapist’s viewpoint. Her book, The Healing Power of Writing,is a great resource for questions like this.

I’m not sure whether people actually still recommend using punching bags (or pillows) to release feelings of anger or frustration. But in my experience, I’ve found writing to be a more effective first step for emotional release. Giving myself permission to “say” everything I need to get off my chest in a private place also helps me to focus on which of my thoughts are worth further processing, and which deflate and wither after they lose their power.

The Healing Power of Writing, by Susan BorkinYour turn to answer: Have you ever turned to your journal after losing your temper? Is writing an effective way to release or process feelings of anger? How can your journal help you move past upsets, and move into effective thinking and action? Post your responses in the comments section at the bottom of this webpage, or join the fans, followers and friends in the JournalTalk community, to share your unique perspective and tips regarding the question-of-the-week.

You may email your own journaling question to be featured on a future episode of JournalTalk. Or, pick up the telephone and leave a voicemail with your question at 1-805-751-6280. When your question is featured, we will send you a thank-you gift for sharing your voice! (JournalTalk Q&A, Episode #43, April 12, 2016)

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