Tag Archives: therapy journal

Q&A: “Which Color of Ink Will Take Away My Blues?”

JTQA Susan and NathanA quick Google search on the term “journaling” will offer at least one measure of social proof that there’s healing power in writing. But can journal-writing really help with long-lasting sadness? Can it cure, or at least relieve depression?

Susan Borkin, author, licensed psychotherapist, and pioneer in the field of journal therapy, joins me in answering this second in a series of mental-health-and-journaling questions. Susan shares examples from her most recent book, The Healing Power of Writing.

The Healing Power of Writing, by Susan BorkinEveryone feels blue from time to time, and that’s natural. The tips discussed in this episode can help with occasional sadness or chronic. Writing might not replace a prescription medication for every person, but for those who are healthy enough to take charge of their pen or keyboard, it certainly can make a pointed difference.

Your turn to answer: Do you use journaling to help soothe any sadness, anxiety, grief, or depression?  Do you think doctors should prescribe the use of therapy journals?  Has writing ever proven to speed up your recovery time?  Post your responses in the comments section at the bottom of this webpage, or join the fans, followers and friends in the JournalTalk community, to share your unique perspective and tips regarding the question-of-the-week.

You may email your own journaling question to be featured on a future episode of JournalTalk. Or, pick up the telephone and leave a voicemail with your question at 1-805-751-6280. When your question is featured, we will send you a thank-you gift for sharing your voice! (JournalTalk Q&A, Episode #42, March 29, 2016)

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