JournalTalk logo with Nathan Ohren

My Experience of the Progoff Intensive Journal Workshop

JournalTalk logo with Nathan OhrenDespite its revolutionary methodology, and the unique impact it has made on so many well-known writers and artists, I fear that the Progoff Intensive Journal Workshop is no longer as well-known as it once was. After venturing to Arizona to experience it for myself, I returned a new man. In this short episode, I share the three most amazing aspects of the journal-writing workshop, and the one disappointment. (JournalTalk, Episode #32, June 1, 2014)

Book Review: Albert Diaz Cruz gives a brief book review for “Writing Begins with the Breath” by Laraine Herring. Click on the cover photo to purchase, and will donate to JournalTalk a 4% commission. Thank you for your support, and for the investment in your journal-writing!

Voiceover: Kym Maher, Tami Egbert & Thomas Gerrard

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5 thoughts on “My Experience of the Progoff Intensive Journal Workshop

    1. Nathan Ohren Post author

      Thanks Paras. The book is going to be a collection of stories that help to explain my dad’s philosophy on “the meaning of life” which has been shared and agreed to by many people, and which I believe will one day become more popular than any religious thought system. It is about “making the world better while taking pleasure in life”.

  1. jami in Albuquerque

    Hey Nathan, I hope you’re still online. I linked to your Progoff episode #26 podcast on twitter trying to promote our upcoming Intensive Journal Method Retreat in Albuquerque, NM — October 5 – 8, 2018 (possibly 3rd part, too, but that’s in danger of cancellation) for the VERY reason you mention — LACK of interest! WHY? And, why no young people? This process is exactly what anyone who is seeking a fresh start or introspective person can most benefit from! You don’t have to be a journal or diary enthusiast, the Method is about prompts and techniques for gaining personal insight.

    As you point out the Progoff Method is the “best kept secret” and so glad you did this two part podcast. I will link to this part in my blog. Hope you’re still updating this site. Thanks!


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