JournalTalk answers your questions about journaling

Q&A: “How Do I Keep My Diary Private?”

JTQA_LogoAll the experts agree that privacy is one of the most important factors to getting great benefits from journal-writing. In this episode of JournalTalk Q&A, Mari L. McCarthy and I respond to someone who asks, “How do I keep my journal private from a family member with whom I usually share everything?” Mari and I offer up a few suggestions, and we look forward to hearing yours!

Speaking of privacy issues, in this episode I also share an update on my project to electronically scan all of my hand-written journals into PDF files. You can learn more about that in my other podcast series, “Capturing Life Through Technology” at

Fuel the dialogue! Feel free to write your comments below with more journaling questions. Or, provide your own answers and opinions to this week’s featured question. (JournalTalk Q&A, Episode #5, June 9, 2014)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Voiceover: Thomas Gerrard

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