Jack Canfield

Journaling Tips from Best-Selling Success Coach, Jack Canfield

JT_JackCanfieldIt is a great honor to have the opportunity to interview a long-time mentor of mine, a man who needs no introduction. And, I enjoyed introducing anyway.

Jack Canfield has made his way into the hearts and homes of millions of people worldwide, for one reason or another, and this interview only scratched the surface of a fraction of the topics we could have discussed in so little time.

We did somehow manage to cover quite a bit. In this episode, I begin by sharing a brief personal history about my three-year success story in the multi-level marketing business of PartyLite Candles, which is how I first met Jack Canfield. Then, Jack and I discuss a range of topics, including:

  • The 10th anniversary of Jack’s landmark guide to personal and professional achievement, The Success Principles.
  • The experience of celebrating our book, The Soul of Success, go from launch to best-seller status in a matter of days.
  • Some behind-the-scenes stories about the making of his Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
  • What kept Jack Canfield inspired to keep pursuing his dreams, even when it seemed he was meeting with failure at every turn.
  • The amazing opportunity of becoming one of Jack’s Certified Trainer of the Success Principles Program.
  • The completely new 30-Day Sobriety Solution.
  • The role that journal-writing plays in Jack’s personal life, and his most-frequently used journaling techniques, for cultivating creativity, healing, and self-reflection.
  • How Jack’s wife, Inga, is turning her journal-writings into a memoir.
  • Jack’s free, ten-day personal transformation course, available to the public.

This was a fun and enriching conversation with a down-to-earth, and truly caring celebrity. I most enjoyed learning that even people as successful as Jack Canfield still fight with their demons on a daily basis, and often turn to their journals for bravery, insight and refuge.

Exclusive Offer for JournalTalk Listeners:  For a limited time, Nathan is offering JournalTalk listeners a full week of customized journal-writing exercises, tailored for their unique concern or situation. Get details here(JournalTalk, Episode #70, March 8, 2016)

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13 thoughts on “Journaling Tips from Best-Selling Success Coach, Jack Canfield

  1. SandraE

    Congratulations Nathan, on 3 busy and successful years of doing what you love–sharing your resources and love of journaling with anyone who wants to listen! You’ve helped innumerable people discover what a powerful source of personal growth and transformation journaling can be.

  2. S. Gralnik

    i really liked this episode of JournalTalk with Jack Canfield. It was so interesting to learn about Jack’s career. And Nathan Ohren is a warm and welcoming host. Keep up the good work. I always learn something from this program, and I’m sure others grow from it too. thanks.so much S. Gralnik

  3. Bubbe

    Great podcast, Nathan. I especially enjoyed hearing about the different journaling topics/themes used by Jack Canfield, which were robust and productive. I’m re-inspired to use these topics.

  4. Alva J. Schoonover

    By far, this is your best and most interesting journaltalk podcast… Jack is such an inspiration, and you were your usual self, a great interviewer… you kept my attention with excellent points and questions all the way through! You are doing so well at what drives your passion, and it shows! Funny observation I made while listening, that you are actually interviewing a future version of yourself, and I predict you’ll achieve much of the same successes as Jack! You both have so much in common, such as what motivates you, and your purpose in HELPING PEOPLE live their BEST lives…. I was taught in Science of Mind, when you are helping others to find their best in themselves, it is more powerful and meaningful to discover the best about yourself… Anyway, I loved this one, and would like to hear more! Thanks for bringing this to us! Keep up your excellent work ! Thank you. A.J. Schoonover

  5. Buddy O'Brien

    This episode#70, was such a great one! I throughly enjoyed listening to Jack Canfield and all the interesting questions Nathan had for him. It was very inspiring to learn how he began his journey n how he continues to be driven to reach people n bring out their own best potential ! Nathan, I can tell you are also such an inspiring life coach in similar ways as Mr Canfield. You have similar qualities of encouraging people to rise to their best! Great job on this episode and can’t wait to hear the next one! Good luck in all your own endeavors! Cheers! Buddy O’Brien

  6. Karma N

    What an honor to have Mr Canfield as your guest on your podcast! He is well spoken and always uplifting to people! I really was intrigued by what he shared n all the great questions you had for him. This sounds like an exciting time for You and for Mr Canfield also. Many upcoming events and plans in the works. It will be interesting to see or hear about how they all unveil! His online mini class sounds great as does ALL your offerings related to journaling! Will keep in touch n possibly get connected to one of your interesting classes in the near future. Thanks for a great podcast!
    All the best!
    Karma N

  7. Gina Rae Hendrickson

    I enjoyed the insights that journaling gave Jack Canfield and how he captured gold in his mind.

  8. Donovan

    What an honor for Mr. Canfield finally make JournalTalk!

    Congratulations Nathan! Your drive, perseverance and dedication to practicing what you preach continue to make you one of the most motivational people I know. Can’t wait to see where this road takes you next!


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