Ten Journaling Prompts for Self Love

Guest post by Carrie Leigh Sandoval

Journaling is an act of self love. Each time you choose to explore your inner reality, you are sending a powerful signal to your subconscious mind – “I am worth knowing.”  Many of us grew up believing it was our job to please others, to be selfless and not speak up about our opinions. This is one of the reasons I began journaling in the first place. It was the one place I could just be and feel at peace. What led you to journaling? Think about it for a moment. Then feel why it is so valuable to you.

The reason many of us start a new habit and don’t follow through with it is because we don’t feel worthy. We may say we don’t have time or energy, but the truth is, underneath all that is actually “I’m not worth the time and/or energy.”

But you are. I am too. And when we cultivate love for ourselves we give others permission to do so too. That’s how we change the world!

If you notice you’re breaking a commitment to yourself, recognize it, acknowledge it, forgive yourself and decide to do something different. You could spend the time you would have spent beating yourself up doing something more productive — like journaling! 🙂

Speaking of journaling, here are 10 prompts to fill yourself up with love:

  1. The top ten things that bring me peace are:
  2. When I am at peace with myself I feel . . .
  3. Ten ways I already show love for myself are:
  4. Ten new ideas to show myself I am worthy and deserving of love . . . (then, commit to doing at least one of these things today)
  5. I acknowledge my successes. Here are 20 things I’ve accomplished that made me feel awesome:
  6. Oops, I made a mistake. I forgive myself for:
  7. Here’s how I know I’m on the right track:
  8. Here are all the reasons I deserve love:
  9. I’m so great because…
  10. When I am feeling confident, this is how my world looks and flows:

By choosing to write on a regular basis, you are literally retraining your consciousness. Sometimes our brains resist change, but know it’s just something that happens naturally. Yet, each time you choose something different you are reprogramming your mind for success and abundance because you’re telling it – “I am worthy of love.”


CarrieSandovalCarrie is a loving momma, journaling expert, law of attraction coach and author of “Journals Have Feelings Too: A Guidebook for Writing Your Way Back to Sanity.” Her healing journey began at the age of 14 when she had nowhere else to turn, but her journal. The discoveries she made about herself during this trying time later became the fuel for her passion. She is now guiding young women and their parents to transform their beliefs about themselves and the world so that they can live confidently and joyfully.

Connect with Carrie at her website for awesome blog posts and journaling prompts + sign up for a free chapter from her book!

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