Tag Archives: questions about journaling

JournalTalk answers your questions about journaling

Q&A: “How Can I Get My Teenager Interested in Journaling?”

JTQA_LogoIn this episode of JournalTalk Q&A, Mari L. McCarthy and I contemplate a question sent to us from a parent who asks, “How can I get my teenager interested in journaling?” Mari and I offer up a few suggestions, and we look forward to hearing yours!

Fuel the dialogue! Feel free to write your comments below with more journaling questions. Or, provide your own answers and opinions to this week’s featured question.

For further enrichment, please also reference JournalTalk Episode #10, featuring Carrie Leigh Sandoval, who offers some additional ways to talk to teens about journaling. (JournalTalk Q&A, Episode #4, May 19, 2014)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Music: Pond5.com
Voiceover: Thomas Gerrard

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