Tag Archives: keep journal secret

Journaling Questions & Answers

Q&A: “How Do You Keep Your Journal Secret?”

Journaling Questions & AnswersOne of the deepest fears people have about keeping a journal is having their privacy violated.

And rightly so. For most of us, privacy ensures safety. And only in a space of complete safety can we allow ourselves to be vulnerably honest. Journal-writing is valuable only to the degree we are willing to honestly explore ourselves and our most precious desires.

Whether you’re hiding your notebook, or password-protecting your computer, how can you be sure that your journal is secret? Jayde Gilmore and I discuss our tips and tricks (while also revealing some embarrassing phases of of our own paranoia!) for maintaining privacy, on this episode of JournalTalk Q&A.

Your turn to answer: Do you ever worry someone is reading your journal? How do you keep your journal private? Or, are you okay with your journal being an “open book”?  Post your responses at the bottom of this webpage, in the comments section.

You may email your own journaling question to be featured on a future episode of JournalTalk. Or, pick up the telephone and leave a voicemail with your question at 1-805-751-6280. When your question is featured, we will send you a thank-you gift for sharing your voice! (JournalTalk Q&A, Episode #35, November 24, 2015)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Music: Pond5.com
Voiceover: Thomas Gerrard

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