Tag Archives: Joyce Chapman

Journaling with Joy(ce Chapman)!

JT_JoyceChapman_readingYou can hear my enthusiasm in the intro of this week’s episode, because it’s a profound pleasure to have Joyce Chapman finally appear on JournalTalk.

Joyce’s history and wisdom in Journal-writing goes back further than anyone else I’ve met. And she summarizes all of it in single sentence: “Journal to know yourself.” She’s convinced that sticking with the practice will always lead you back to “who you want to be when you grow up.”

A teacher, author of multiple books and workbooks, keynote speaker, and a personal coach, Joyce has loves to infect others with her aura of magic in the possibility of possibility itself. I enjoyed hearing how she speaks with children about journal-writing, and her simple (but profound) journal writing prompt for all ages.Chapman_Book_Photo_Journaling4Joy

Exclusive Offer for JournalTalk Listeners:  Joyce has made available this free download, entitled “Tap Into Your Inner Knowing”, — a chapter from her book, Journaling for Joy — as her gift to you, and an invitation to learn more about her work. (JournalTalk, Episode #80, July 27, 2016)

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