Tag Archives: journaling to rewire the brain

Deborah Ross, LPC

Journaling to Rewire Your Brain!

Deborah Ross, LPCAbout one episode in every three, I feel as if I’m unveiling my “new favorite” episode — one that contains a life-altering perspective, and some truly fresh ideas. This is one of those.

My guest this week studied neuroscience at the Mindsight Institute with Dr. Dan Siegel and applied her findings to a therapeutic writing curriculum she titled “Your Brain on Ink” which is offered at the Therapeutic Writing Institute.

Deborah Ross, an avid journaler, recognizes the healing power of expressive writing and shares techniques for using journal-writing as self-directed neuroplasticity. That’s a fancy way of saying that journaling can literally alter the connections and shape of our brains, and therefore everything else in our experience of life.  (JournalTalk, Episode #40, September 30, 2014)

SPECIAL OFFER:  Click the photo to purchase “Mindsight”, the groundbreaking book by Dr. Dan Siegel, and Amazon will make a contribution to these JournalTalk podcasts.

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Music and Voiceovers: Music Radio Creative

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