Tag Archives: journaling tips for managing overwhelm

Soul of Success book

The Soul of Success

Recovering from pneumonia was precisely the reminder I needed to breathe deeply, and move forward on my most important projects in a steady, self-compassionate pace.

Before then, I had been burning the candle at both ends, pushing myself to work harder, faster and smarter than ever. Now that I’m healthy and getting back into my stride, I’m confronted with mountains of tasks, and a gnawing urge to catch up to where I would have been if I hadn’t gotten sick. Can you feel me?

In this episode, I share a favorite 5-minute journaling technique, which I call the Ta-Da! List, for when I’m overwhelmed and need a system for making small steps of progress on the things that matter most.

This episode is also a grand unveiling for three exciting projects I’ve been working on.CLTTimage_02

  1. Power Insights. A new seven-day program that is guaranteed to help you discover valuable insights into any situation, decision, relationship, or issue you are facing. Special offer: JournalTalk listeners receive a 67% reduced price on this guided coaching program.
  2. Soul of Success. I’ve co-authored a book with Jack Canfield and several other entrepreneurs for helping people discover secrets of health, wealth and success. Click HERE to get your copy of this book today!
  3. Capturing Life Through Technology. We’ve (re)launched a new podcast series about using the best electronic tools of the trade; not only for journal-writing, but also including the many ways to capture life’s most precious moments. You can listen for free from the iTunes store, and I’d appreciate your honest review and 5-star rating! (JournalTalk, Episode #56, June 16, 2015)

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