Tag Archives: inner committee

Joan Leof on JournalTalk

Uncovering Many Selves Through Writing

Joan Leof on JournalTalkAs we journey through the movement of our life, what aspects of ourselves do we birth or bury, in order to make sense of, and give meaning to, our experience? This question was my guest’s inspiration for her newest book.

Nearly two years ago, I interviewed Joan Leof, after she inspired me to dig back through my old, yellowing journals to collect pieces of my coming-out story and begin crafting a memoir. (You can listen to that interview here: JournalTalk, Episode #12.)

In this week’s episode, Joan Leof returns to share her newest book, MATRYOSHKA: Uncovering Your Many Selves Through Writing. It’s a unique collection of memoir-style essays, which are interesting snapshots into different aspects of Joan’s life. But here’s the twist: each story concludes with ten thoughtful, workbook-style questions to prompt the reader in reflection upon his/her own life snapshots. I enjoyed using this book for its rich journaling prompts, but it could also be a perfect centerpiece for discussion groups or book-reading clubs.Matroyshka, by Joan Leof

In our conversation, Joan shares the steps along her path to publishing, and a number of valuable tips for those who are exploring the many layers of “self” in their writing. For another great journaling prompt about the many selves and the “inner committee”, you might enjoy revisiting Episode #41.

Exclusive Offer for JournalTalk Listeners:  For a limited time, Nathan is offering JournalTalk listeners a full week of customized journal-writing exercises, tailored for their unique concern or situation. Get details here. (JournalTalk, Episode #72, April 5, 2016)

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Journaling With Our Inner Committee

Steven Summerstone on JournalTalkFirst, let’s do a journal-writing activity that I teach in my Passion, Clarity, Purpose journal workshop: calming our conflicted emotions by honoring them one at a time.

When faced with a situation that activates several different, seemingly competing reactions, I’ve found it useful to take the time to slow down and give each voice in my “inner committee” a chance to fully express itself.

Then, my guest this week is Steven Summerstone, who discusses “sub selves”, his music, and an interesting cornucopia of other topics. Steven has a video podcast on YouTube that features a wide variety of philosophies and musings. His website, Nurturing Truth, is where he invites you to connect with him.  (JournalTalk, Episode #41, October 14, 2014)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Music and Voiceovers: Music Radio Creative

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To Listen: Click on the “play” button > below.