Tag Archives: shed emotional baggage

Laura Coe on JournalTalk

Lighten Up! (Writing to Shed Emotional Baggage)

Laura Coe on JournalTalkToo often, we carry around with us the constraints and limiting beliefs of our past. Do you wonder how to identify those pesky, negative and disempowering stories that weigh you down emotionally?

Laura Coe is an author, blogger, and certified life coach with a mission to help people shed emotional weight. In her book, Emotional Obesity, she shares exercises for emotional fitness, and techniques for ridding ourselves of “junk thoughts” that so easily creep into our self-talk.

Emotional Obesity by Laura CoeIn this episode, I share a real-life example of how my own thoughts have kept me feeling sad and alienated during my family gatherings in the holiday season, and how I learned that such feelings were completely my own emotional baggage. (JournalTalk, Episode #69, February 23, 2016)

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