Tag Archives: productivity planner

UJ Ramdas on JournalTalk

Journaling: A Toothbrush for the Mind

UJ Ramdas on JournalTalkSeveral episodes back, I gave some suggestions for what to write if you only have five minutes each day with your journal. We have revisited this idea many times in this podcast series, because like so many people I’ve sometimes only got five spare minutes to write — and some days, those five minutes alone with my thoughts are the most profound (and productive!) five minutes of my day.

Today we’ll be listening to a very special guest who combines the concepts of time-management and journal-writing. UJ Ramdas has passion for both psychology and business, employing his background in Behavioral Science, Marketing and Hypnosis. In addition to creating tools for productivity and time management, he’s consulted with (several hundred) clients, bringing them from confusion to clarity. 

In this interview, we discuss two journal-like tools UJ created with his business partner, Alex Ikonn at Intelligent Change. The first is the widely-referenced Five Minute Journal, a creatively simple book for exercising the most powerful muscles of self-reflection. A “toothbrush for your mind,” the journal poses a few straight-forward questions for each morning and evening, helping you build strong habits of gratitude and success visualization. The second tool is the newly-released Productivity Planner, designed to help you implement a proven method for organizing your tasks and keeping focused on those which are most critical to your long-term success. 

Throughout the conversation, UJ shares some powerful examples and stories which surely will inspire a shift toward gratitude and productivity in your personal journal-writing routine.

Exclusive Offer for JournalTalk Listeners:  For a limited time, Nathan is offering JournalTalk listeners a full week of customized journal-writing exercises, tailored for their unique concern or situation. Get details here.  (JournalTalk, Episode #68, February 9, 2016)

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