Tag Archives: journal index

How To Manage A Lifetime Collection of Journals

JT_HeatherSeversonMy guest this week is Heather Severson, an award-winning writer, educator and gypsy scholar, plying her craft wherever adults gather for self-development and education. Heather’s formal writing practice began with diaries written at the feet of her scholarly grandfather. Thirty-five years and two hundred and sixty-five notebooks later, Heather has a myriad of effective, healing, and life-improving practices to share with other journal writers. She goes beyond writing prompts and periodic venting, and helps people find sustainable happiness, as well as ways to keep organized!

Heather is the facilitator of the popular Write It Out Journal Workshop discussion group on LinkedIn. She has quite the list of accomplishments on her resume, and we only had time to discuss a few of them. Speaking of resumes, I loved hearing Heather give us a journaling exercise you won’t want to miss: Write out your personal “resume of survival” to remind yourself of the challenges you’ve overcome. A great gratitude boost!

It was this episode that I learned about hypergraphia, a condition which Heather modestly confesses she is blessed to have.  When she’s not working on publishing her memoir (a gruesome tale about being taken advantage of by a schoolteacher) Heather enjoys sharing the joys of journaling with others, and helps people organize their journal collections so the material is accessible for future reference.

Book Review: Albert Diaz Cruz gives a firm book recommendation this week for Dr. Ira Progoff’s At A Journal Workshop: Writing to Access the Power of the Unconscious and Evoke Creative Ability. Use the link here and JournalTalk will receive a small percentage of your purchase. Thanks for supporting this podcast! (JournalTalk, Episode #29, April 14, 2014)

Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Music: AudioNetwork.com
Voiceover: Kym Maher, Tami Egbert & Thomas Gerrard

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