Tag Archives: Dan Wakefield

Turning Journals into Memoirs

Joan Leof

Thanks to Joan Leof, my guest expert in this week’s episode, I’ll need to update my website.  In preparation for our interview, Joan did some research about me; she figured out that I had given up on writing a book based on content from my years of journal-writing.  And in our subsequent conversation, she asked me some questions that stirred my thinking about this.  Being the amazing journal-to-memoir coach that she is, by the time we were finished talking, I was reminded of my belief that my story is a valuable one, and re-inspired to pick up my old writings to breathe new life into them!  Since then, I’ve been writing 100-Word Flash Memoirs as often as I can, collecting the pieces to assemble for a unique story about my spiritual odyssey and coming-of-age.

Joan Leof has been coaching journalers, creative writers, and spiritual autobiographers for over 30 years.  Her website displays her own accomplishment of her personal story made into a bookFatal If Swallowedas well as other journaling resources and workshops that she teaches in the Delaware area.

Our conversation was stimulating and fascinating.  Joan gives a clear goal for memoirists to stay focused on, to make sure the journey from journaling to published author stays satisfying.  In addition, Joan shares some excellent tips for people who want to join (or begin their own) journaling groups to deepen their practice!  I look forward to hearing your feedback.  Please post a comment below, telling what you enjoyed most!  (JournalTalk, Episode #12, August 5, 2013)

Music: Paul Mottram, ”Shellfish Behaviour” (AudioNetwork.com)
Voiceover: Tami Egbert and Kym Maher
Logo Art: Wendy Kipfmiller, Snixysnix.com

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