Tag Archives: clear vision

Linda Peterson on JournalTalk

Journaling to Reconnect Military Families

Linda Peterson on JournalTalkThis week’s journal-writing expert brings a rich, wide spectrum of tools and experience to the table! Dr. Linda Peterson-St. Pierre is a Medical Psychologist who spent 35 years teaching at the University of Nevada Medical School. At the same time Linda held a full time clinical practice and testified for military families in the court system. Stressed by the University’s “publish or perish” mindset, Linda found personal insight/peace when writing in her private journal, without any rules. She has a passion for helping others find their own inner wisdom, through writing, EMDR, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Native American Healing Circles, Guided Imagery, and Feng Shui. Linda is certified as a presenter for the Progoff Intensive Journal and Kay Adams’ Journal to the Self, which form the basis for her two books: Write Out Loud! Reconnecting Military Families; and Clear Vision: The Power of Story to Heal. She is married to an Air Force combat veteran and pilot who has improved PTSD, using EMDR!

In this episode, we discuss several issues related to the psycho-social and emotional effects of combat on soldiers, their families, and on the American psyche, with comments on the movie American Sniper. I am so delighted to share how journal-writing can assist with post-traumatic stress disorder. I stated back in Episode #4, why I am convinced journaling is a low-cost, effective ancillary treatment for PTSD.

Dr. Peterson-St. Pierre is one of two journal-writing therapists who volunteered at last year’s Independence Fund Retreat. The Indy Fund (a non-profit dedicated to helping wounded warriors regain mobility, receive treatment and more) contacted Write4Life to find journal-writing experts to volunteer to work with wounded veterans and their caregivers. (JournalTalk, Episode #61, October 13, 2015)

Write Out Loud: Reconnecting Military FamiliesExclusive Offer for JournalTalk Listeners:  In this episode, Linda shares excellent advice for anyone wanting to use journaling to work with those who have faced life-or-death situations, or put their lives on the line. She also offers a six week workshop developed through the Therapeutic Writing Institute, called “Write Out Loud!” which she will make available to JournalTalk listeners who email her directly.



Audio Editing: Netrix Marketing
Music and Voiceovers: Music Radio Creative

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