Dima Dupere on JournalTalk

Journal-Writing with Your M.O.S.S.

Dima Dupere on JournalTalkDima Dupéré introduces a beautiful acronym (M.O.S.S.) to help us remember that journal-writing includes a vast, multi-dimensional, array of options.

Passionate about the therapeutic value of words and art, Dima is a social worker who engages creatively to help people thrive. Whether conducting a community workshop, training professionals or offering individual counselling, her focus is on the stories people tell others and themselves, since that is the place where healing begins.

Dima has recently updated and re-released her book, Feeling, Writing, Empowering: A guidebook for helping professionals. We had a stimulating conversation about the many benefits and techniques of journaling, including:

  • Journal-writing as simply an exercise in “checking in” with ourselves,
  • Tracking gratefulness,
  • Keeping lists; including to-do’s, and long-term “bucket lists”,
  • Dialoguing with people, places, things, and ideas (real or imaginary; past, present or future!)
  • Recording milestones and accomplishments,
  • You can always just S.W.Y.P.E.!
  • …and much, much more!

MOSS journal promptsExclusive Offer for JournalTalk Listeners:  For a limited time, Dima is offering to send any JournalTalk listener a custom journal-writing exercise, tailored for their unique concern or situation. Or, she will send you a PDF copy of her book! Listen to the podcast for details on how to receive this for free. (JournalTalk, Episode #63, December 1, 2015)

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