Fantasy Journaling (Part 1 of 3)

Nathan_JTLogo_01 copySweeping through my boxes of old journal books, I happened upon a passage that I wrote in college — a detailed account of a semi-erotic interaction with someone on whom I had a secret crush.

Wait a minute, I thought, as my neurons raced to retrieve my inner journal logs for comparison, I don’t remember this ever happening!

After reading a few pages, and with a giant grin, I realized that I had written out a fantasy. And it made me stop to consider the value of such an exercise, which I share in this three-part series of JournalTalk.

Exclusive Offer for JournalTalk Listeners:  For a limited time, Nathan is offering JournalTalk listeners a full week of customized journal-writing exercises, tailored for their unique concern or situation. Get details here. (JournalTalk, Episode #76, June 29, 2016)

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3 thoughts on “Fantasy Journaling (Part 1 of 3)

  1. Joyce

    When is the deadline to purchase this? This is an awesome price. I want to get back into journaling. Now that my health is getting better. Thank you so much.

    1. Nathan Ohren Post author

      Dear Joyce, congratulations for your health. That’s very exciting to hear.

      Yes, my business coach tells me to raise the price all the time, but I’m such a believer in helping people get (re)started, I sometimes offer it at this low rate. The special is good through the end of the week. I update it on a week-by-week basis, depending on availability and my client load, so can’t guarantee it for long. I’d love to work with you, so please let me know if you’re interested!

  2. Pingback: Fantasy Journaling (Part 2 of 3) | Write4Life

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