Jinny Ditzler, author of Best Year Yet

Journaling for My Best Year Yet

Jinny Ditzler, author of Best Year YetMy favorite year-end tradition is a private ritual I learned from my 11th grade English teacher: writing my future self a “year in review” letter.

Just like a time capsule, I open the letter from last year sometime after Halloween (sometimes the letters are like ghouls from the past!) and before January, I make the time to compose a new letter, expressing my excitement, disappointments and advice for the coming months.

With ten simple-yet-probing questions, my guest this week has authored a proven method for making those annual letters truly phenomenal. Jinny Ditzler is the author of the twenty-year bestseller, Your Best Year Yet, a guide to getting results in business and in life. She is also creator of the “Best Year Yet” year-long coaching system (for individuals or teams). She firmly believes we each possess a deep and trustworthy well of wisdom that we can tap for strength, healing, and guidance. Jinny’s passion is to help people plug into those inner resources easily, in a way that brings fulfillment, purpose and power in life. (JournalTalk, Episode #65, December 26, 2015)

Your Best Year YetExclusive Offer for JournalTalk Listeners:  Jinny would love to connect with you personally, and send you the new articles she writes for the Huffington Post. In addition, she will send you (absolutely free!) a 35-page PDF that outlines the first three steps for making this your best year yet. Listen to this week’s episode for Jinny’s personal email address. 

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12 thoughts on “Journaling for My Best Year Yet

  1. Norm

    The two outer circles described by Jinny (Who I’m Afraid I Am, and, Who I Pretend I Am To Others) were powerful forces in my life until a decade or so ago. And, while they still pick away at my attention, they no longer control my behavior as they did in my younger years. Hopefully, because of what Jinny is doing, many people will not have to wait until they are 50 to shed the force of their outer two circles.

    1. Nathan Ohren Post author

      Thank you for the note, Jack. I’m so glad you’ve been able to live from your authentic self, and by doing so, I’m sure you are an example to others. Thanks for listening!

  2. Bubbe

    I loved Jinny’s practical questions and suggestions for self understanding and identifying goals to help me be my personal best.

  3. Eric

    Great episode! It’s good to know that people like Nathan have a genuine interest in sharing avenues for personal growth.

  4. Donald Porter

    Enjoyed the candid, yet enhancing podcast. New to Nathan’s empowering suggestions, so far very impressed and intrigued in waking up within.

  5. Joe Bowman

    I joined Nathan Ohren and a host of other amazing folks who participated in an online commitment for a 90 Day Journaling Challenge. Part of the excitement was seeing the impact in others lives, connecting with them and sharing experiences about our journaling process. Another aspect that surfaced was the exchange of resources for improving our journaling as well as writing. One of the best aspects though was the encouragement and inspiration for the persistence to keep writing on a daily basis. Thanks again Nathan and all those who played!


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